Sunday, April 24, 2016

DD News

DD News, DD News online radio, DD News internet radio fm...
So, you disapprove? I suspect you don't think it's for me to approve or disapprove of your daughter's views, do you? Correct. But surely you're concerned for her safety? Sofija's old enough to have her own opinions and we're proud she's the courage to express them. Madame Kymantiene, let me get to the point. It's unwise at this time to incite antiRussian feelings. She's proud of her country. Russia is also her country. I'm concerned she might not understand the consequences of her actions. Is that a threat? Of course not. I've nothing but goodwill towards your daughter. Captain Rostov, Sofija's not the only woman in this city who's proud of her country and is should we say, nationalistic. The question my husband's trying to ask is why are you so particularly interested in our daughter? As I've said, I'm an admirer. Perhaps you could invite me to dinner so that I could become better acquainted? Or persuade her to make time for me in some other way? We've enjoyed meeting you, Captain Rostov. Don't look like that! I want what's best for Sofija. DD News I want to do the right thing. It's what's good for her, not us. And he isn't good for her? Is it for us to say? Of course it is! We're her parents for God's sake. I'd almost given up on you. You've very little faith. It's not easy having faith. So, how is the opera? I didn't think you were interested. But, since you have asked, I can tell you that our opera is actually progressing very well. Our? Good evening. Good evening. Thank you. Thank you. Have you composed any of the music? A little. I'm getting the story right first, and designing some of the costumes and set decoration. Especially those for the mermaids. I also know some of the music. I clearly know how Jurate is going to sing and I have an idea of how the choir of mermaids is going to sing, with orchestral colours and voices of mermaids. The mermaid choir? I look forward to hearing them. Sofija Leonovna. Turgenev. Yes. I'm interested in the politics of the changing Russia, not so much the emotions, the differences between the generations, the fathers and their children. I'd not imagined you as a connoisseur of literature. Yes. Try me. What do you mean? If I'm a connoisseur of literature I must be able to answer any of your questions. Oh I see. Happy families are all alike; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way. Too easy Anna Karenina. Try harder. Which character despises all women, except one? He's named after a river, and believes that all life is meaningless. Indeed, he conquers all the women he meets and leaves them all. But, he has genuine feelings for Vera who loves him despite his obvious and unpleasant faults. And yes, Grigory Alexandrovich Pechorin was named after the great Pechora River. So, you see. DD News I'm not just a soldier. Maybe there's more to me than you imagined. And perhaps we could spend some time together so you could learn more about my reading habits Gogol, Dostoevsky, Nekrasov, Zhukovsky, Pushkin Online Radio Ah, Pushkin. I thought every Russian has copies of his work stitched into their clothes, near their hearts. And you have so much to learn too, Nikolai. Yes? Yes. Since you are in Lithuania you could learn about our authors. Perhaps you could tell me more? I don't think so. Sorry. I'm already involved with Kastuk. Kastuk? DD News Enjoy your politics. Actually, I'm reading the pRadioage where Barazov the nihilist who thinks he believes in nothing is the victim of unrequited love. Goodbye Nikolai. One month later Play for me. Do you really need it? Play. DD News This can't go on. I have to leave. No one buys my paintings, no one wants my music. It might be easier in Saint Petersburg. How long would you go for? A month, perhaps. Then I'll come with you. I don't think your parents will like this idea! I'm not a child anymore. I have my own money. I don't need your money. Kastuk, when we'll get married we'll share everything. You'd marry me? Do you think that people actually choose those whom they fall in love with? Now play. We've immersed ourselves in this great vision of Peter. We walk on the Nevsky DD News Prospekt, or around Peter and Paul's Fortress, or under Rastrelli's wondrous arches, and Kastuk delights in pointing out marvels of symmetry in marble and stone. I smile Mama, because he sees with the eyes of an artist, he feels with the soul of an artist. But I am just a woman, with plain eyes and an ordinary heart, and I see hardship and distress. Why didn't you wake me up? The concert is in two days and I'm afraid that I won't be able to rewrite everything. Musicians won't be able to read my handwriting. I might make some mistakes. Look, I had such an incredible dream. It was like a huge sphere. You stood at one side, and this stranger at the other. Both of you were gently swaying. He was very thin, then he lost his balance and he fell. Then he was kidnapped by some strange kind of unearthly creature. It was so vivid that I immediately started drawing, but the light was so poor. You're freezing. I'll make some tea. Champagne time! Mstislav Dobuzhinsky. Mikalojus Konstantinas Ciurlionis. Allow me to introduce Online DD News Radio Sofija Kymantaite. My wife Jelizaveta. Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you. I've seen some of your paintings, Mr. Ciurlionis. Really? The art world is small. Not that small. Are you currently selling your work? People buying? No, that's why we're here. I may be able to help. I know collectors who are looking for new works. Would you like to meet later in the week? Say, Friday. At ? We'd love to. I look forward to it. Would you be able to bring some of your work? Definitely. Please, Sofija, let's dance. Let's go, let's go. Have a look, DD News everyone's dancing. I'm happy to see you. Sofija. Don't you worry. You don't need to worry. Let's draw a cat. Looks like the big claws of a cat. There's a little devil cat with smoke coming out of his head. So, this one's interesting. Did you draw your dream? I'm not sure. I don't really understand dreams. Neither do I. Sometimes I think we're never awake. Maybe we're asleep now, and this is just a dream. Slava had no work for more than a year, then, all of a sudden, his fortune changed. DD News

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